Centers Post Adoption Services

Centers for Children and Families is the agency that coordinates services for adoptive families living in DFPS Regions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Families who live outside of the State of Texas who have adopted from DFPS also qualify for services. Our services are designed to keep adoptive families intact and provide access to programs that focus on building a strong family foundation.

Our Program

You've accepted the gift and the challenge of taking a child with special needs into your home.  Children who have been neglected, physically abused or sexually abused by people they trusted often do not know they're lovable and valuable. Many have trouble trusting others. The pain of past abuse or neglect can make it difficult for a child to adjust to being part of a healthy home. Problems caused by past traumas may surface many years after the adoption has occurred.


Some of the services that we provide are:

  • Casework and Service Planning

  • Parent Training and Support Groups

  • Finding providers for Medical, Dental, or Counseling in your area

  • Information and referrals to local programs to assist in meeting needs

  • Reimbursements for things like Respite Care, Therapeutic Camps, and other DFPS approved items

  • Assisting with locating Residential Treatment Services

  • 24-hour crisis intervention services

Post Adoption Services in Texas may be available to your family if each of the following requirements are met:

1) Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) served as the child’s court appointed managing conservator and placed the child for adoption; or a licensed Texas child-placing agency served as the child’s court appointed managing conservator and placed the child for adoption and DFPS is currently providing Title IV-E adoption assistance to the child.

2) The DFPS or child-placing agency placement resulted in a court order consummating the adoption.

3) The adoption is still intact, the adopted child is under 18*, and the adoptive parents have requested post adoption services.

*EXCEPTION: If services begin during the child’s 17th year, services may continue for up to 6 months after the child’s 18th birthday.

If you are interested in more information or want to complete our intake packets, please click here or visit the Contact Us page.